Tuesday Men’s Bible Study/Fellowship (meets via Zoom)



Pastor Louis Lee (AsianPK@aol.com)

Meeting Day:

Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM

Please note that due to the pandemic situation, all on-site physical Bible Studies and Fellowships are cancelled. The Tuesday Men’s Group meets every week via Zoom teleconferencing. Contact Pastor Louis at AsianPK@aol.com, for more information or an invite.


18 and up


The Tuesday Men's Bible Study/Fellowship is an informal time for men to share what they are learning from their own reading and study of God's Word, and gives various insights into biblical issues of relevance to men.   Each attendee is encouraged to share anything they have learned recently from their own reading of Scripture, or from listening to a sermon, or any other source of biblical teaching.   Emphasis is placed on the practical real-life application of God's Word.  Come check us out whenever you can.   We meet Tuesday nights via Zoom teleconferencing. 

Why Real Men Attend Bible Study…… 

 "The fellowship and growth, as well as the rich diversity and uncompromising acceptance I experience within the CCC Men's Bible study, has become the highlight of my week!"  

"It’s a blessing to be around racially diverse Christian men, ranging in age from 20 to 60+ . . . . . What we have in common is the desire to know God better through His Word, fellowship and prayer."  

"We learn about each other’s struggles, triumphs, and personal life stories." 

"It's a very safe and confidential place to share what's going on in my life and seek direction without judgment." 

"Our Men's Bible study has become the highlight of my week.  I look forward to every Tuesday and am disappointed when I cannot be there. . . . The diversity in this group is incredible (age, ethnicity, culture, education, social, economic, ...).  I believe it is a foretaste of what Heaven will be like.  Each one's differing background adds to the richness of the group, all held together by the bond we have it Christ."  

"I attend to learn about the Bible and its meaning.  I look forward to the sharing and obtaining new ideas from others in real life experiences."  

"All of us appreciate having the confidence that what is shared stays confidential."